Saturday, 18 June 2011


Top 10 benefits of Change Management for an organisation:
Change is a planned and managed process. The benefits of the change are known before implementation and serve as motivators and assessment of progress.

1.    The organization can respond faster to customer demand.
2.    Helps to align existing resources within the organization.
3.    Change management allows the organization to assess the overall impact of a change.
4.    Change can be implemented without negatively affecting the day to day running of business.
5.    Organizational effectiveness and efficiency is maintained or even improved by acknowledging the concerns of staff.
6.    The time needed to implement change is reduced.
7.    The possibility of unsuccessful change is reduced.
8.    Employee performance increases when staff feel supported and understand the change process.
9.    Increased customer service and effective service to clients from confident and knowledgeable employee.
10. Provides a way to anticipate challenges and respond to these efficient.
Top 10 benefits of Change Management for individuals/staff:
Effective change management supports a smooth transition from the old to the new while maintaining morale, productivity, and even company image.

1.    Provides management and staff support for concerns regarding changes.
2.    An efficient change management process creates the correct perception of the change for staff and public.
3.    Helps to plan efficient communication strategies.
4.    Minimizes resistance to change.
5.    Improves morale, productivity and quality of work.
6.    Improves cooperation, collaboration and communication.
7.    A carefully planned approach to change reduces stress and anxiety and encourages people to stay loyal to the organization.
8.    Increased employee acceptance of the change.
9.    Personal loss/gain to individuals is acknowledged and addressed.
10. Change management reduces disruptive aspects and emphasises positive opportunities in the change process

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